addicted to drugs
haven't updated for a while cos i'm super busy and tired.
but although i have a presentation due tomorrow, let me just update this space.

i thank God for all these happyness in my life right now.
i am so dead beat everyday i go home from my internship, yet i still arrive early and leave late on some days so that i can complete more of the workload assigned to me.

well, i thank God that i got the institution and the timing of internship i desired.
and so did He do the same thing last year.
but such things are often disputable... it can be reasoned out and hard to see that God is truly in it all..

However, the pharmacist supervising me is really a blessing from God.
of so many years of chui-ness in my course, I hardly feel qualified to go and learn the really cool stuff... because i'm always struggling with memorising basics.
I thought of lost my "i can memorise all things" attitude I had up until JC.

sadist, or not, I do love to memorise things... knowledge at its purest form.. puts joy in my heart.
and the kinder side of me is fulfilled when I see that I have helped someone out.
I now see my internal constituents and the external situations I am in, a deliberate alignment by God. who has brought me to a course I never considered until a few weeks before matriculation.

oh my supervising pharmacist is the exact kind of person that I learn well from. very systematic, easy to follow and have high standards. Although, i may not be as competent as others, or what I desire myself to be... but I know I learn best in such situations. Where I get to learn things on the job :)

ayes, this post is such an understatement of the dilemna i face everyday - joyful for the big new world i am exposed to and dread of the moutains of workload pushing me into my grave, inch by inch.
but trust me, the NPCC sadist staff sergeant in me, i enjoy this torture.
i belive i am going to be a better pharamcist and student!
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