with regards to my previous post, i decided that if I were 20 years younger.
I would be playing with the coolest toys in the world.
and not playing around with fonts to squeeze a 1.5" thick legislation into an A4 sized paper for the pseudo-open book examination.

today i spent 11am to 8pm studying and covering a lot of grounds in the drug world (:
i am happy.
but the best thing is talking to dear小妹. though we all have grievances with the current system~
But increasingly, I feel like I am on a treasure hunt.
to find Truth, according to the Bible, BUT applicable & logical for my generation.

nope, not the youthy hippy "i-am-cool" generation.
i am so past that for those who still thinks they need to be cool and youth-ful to talk to me...

but i mean, for the "we-are-seeking-relevance" generation of mine.
somehow, Christians or non-Christians alike, don't you think the world is spinning in a queer way we can't understand? and working hard and obeying doesn't seem to fully work anymore?
I do. Do you??

I guess even our parents, elders, and predecessors can never give us clear instructions & formulas to success anymore. maybe you already know.
maybe only now I feel the impact of this. maybe only now I find that even my own ways can't help me through life.
I'm still on my treasure hunt. to find Truth. and practical ways to live it out.
If I were 20 years younger,
I'd marry him who said

"jiejie Grace! I eat satay!"
the world's cutest mushroom!
what's life without randomness
cats and dogs are understatements
sometimes it rains elephants and hippopotamuses in Singapore.
Simple happyness is not, being able to sleep at home and let the time slip past.
but simple happyness is letting God protect your laptop while you run under the ferocious onslaught of water for 300m home.
gearing up
simple happyness is meeting up to relax before exams (:
RV-78 + Andy + simple food = simple happyness
