this is a story about simple happyness
as usual, china rocks and you tube doesn't have this video.
so the subtitles are in chinese.

Title: Citizen Dog (2004)
i like the colour composition of every scene in this movie.
and also the ridiculous things that added up to a meaningful movie (:

all in a day's work.
simple happyness is taking the hectic tests and report schedules of this pharmacy course in my stride.
well, i'm done being bound by expectations and CAP scores and test grades.
and especially the every week one freaking scary test and the stresses of a singaporean life.

I guess it's great to take everything in my stride and just do my best.
even though it means being only ready on the morning of the test.

Chromatography theory test turned out quite great.
I'm pretty confident of my answers and could recall quite a lot of things which much clarity... like I did in secondary school.
Which is rare, and happy.
because I wanna learn to take things in my stride.

An enjoying random moments that make a person alive. Instead of chasing after deadlines. or beign chased by it!
Well, I haven't finished the lab reports AND thai homework I have due tomorrow.

But I decided that hanging out at a friend's place would make me more of a human than not... and if we live by deadlines and stick to them.
We'd fare well and great on paper..
But will citydwellers feel filled spiritually? Learning new skills and picking up new things seem like a new trend and pursuit. Learning something not just to "tan jia" but something you would be interested in?
or maybe we just need to hang around people more.

happyness. probably is that simple?

oh yah i still have to pia my lab reports till late today.
but if i didn't hang out, i'd be spending approximately the same amount of time convincing myself that i shouldn't be facebooking... while doing it.
and Pharmacy Law lecture tomorrow is going to be crap. so i'd have 2h to do my thai homework.
last minute. so what? it's mangeable...
and i feel more human.

Humans were not meant to face each other via written text more than face-to-face interactions.
今天我家上演了轻松愉快版的home alone (:
正等待着我的是一叠叠lab reports & thai homework.


他发高烧了 :( 如果我早点完成了我的lab reports...说不定今天就有空去照顾他。


simple happyness is enjoying cell group after a hectic week of school.
simple happyness is sleeping at waking up at 1:30pm on saturday afternoon.
simple happyness is waking up to a cool rainy afternoon and breakfast prepared on the table (:
simple happyness is doing the dishes in quietness and peace.

simple happyness is having the whole day alone, to yourself even though you have 1001 lectures to go through in the next 12h.
hardwork pays off
surely. usually. generally.

I was so tired when I was trying to squeese my Hypertensive medication into my brain, check out what i typed:

*Additional monitoring is required for patients with gout, as the drug may increase uric acid, precipitating a gouty attack. As the drug is potent on the kidney, we feel that Blood Urea Nitrogen may be expected to rise transiently due to temporal adaptations of the Sunday school teachers.

2 more days to pharmacotherapy test~
yo yo yo yo!
after 126230400 seconds of old layout at my past blog, i am starting on a new journey to document the simple things that keep me happy... or so lift my spirits even for a moment in this complicated urban jungle of Singapore. (:

many thanks many loves to Miss YYY, who braved the storm of endogenous radicals through the night of 15th March 2010 to labouriously create this new blog skin (:

with staying up late being increasingly common in our hectic urban society, i wish the random person reading this maximum distance from premature wrinkles and panda eyes.

making every day a masterpiece
