Thank you, but I was too busy
Gosh it's December and there's so much to do.
I want to stop and reflect but there is so much overwhelming me. Work, meet-ups, presents, family... planning the year ahead.
It's just another crazy mad rush again.
Today was my last lesson for guitar of the year finally got approved of the piece I've been tasked to work on for the last 3 weeks then I rushed off for a secondary school gathering dinner...
In the midst of this dashing around with my presentation deadlines looming scarily close and my slides terrifyingly naked... I board a train with thoughts whirling in my head.
I sat down and continue to b busy and just beside me sat a calm old lady.
As her stop approached and she prepared to alight, she turned and said to me "Miss, you are very beautiful. "

I was so absorbed I said the only courteous thing I knew without processing it. "O thank you!"

so I lugged my guitar along since I was also alighting coincidentally.
Not feeling beautiful not glam and kinda fat reminding myself not to overeat later on.

And now as the whole hustling has ended and I sit in my room ready to restart on my slides at 1230am...I wonder if I actually met an angel today.

posted from Bloggeroid

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