the soup's too hot to drink
kimberle says that zebra fishies like lots of friends and lots of marbles.
if i were a zebra fishy, my friends would be myself and my marbles would be home organisation tools.

Saturdays are mostly my home-alone days. and my favourite day of the week for now.
yea, just a few years back Saturdays I won't be home, the whole day since I needed to travel all the way to church to 'fellowship' (according to them, but according me is waste my time) with kiddies.
but now i don't need to and i discovered this secret garden of time (:
Now Saturdays, i can sleep until 自然醒 - 我的精神粮食之一。
mainly cos by that time everybody else have left home to go about their own business...

today I couldn't help but started washing things that are so dirty... 家丑不可外扬。but, my home is full of people to busy to care and it is more dirty than hostels cos maybe sometimes they have cleaners to do the work.

I hung the clothes, and arranged the hangers in colours according to the rainbow. but apparently that didn't stop the rain from coming, so I had to keep the clothes I hung out.
I also 炖-ed some soup (:
My mom bought a new little China pot. That makes enough soup for one person..
I threw carrots and pork ribs, dried scallops and some gouqizi in. It boiled the whole day now, and its now in my nice little room of a world of my own, but its too hot to drink. :) It has not salt in it, but a sweet taste of carrots.

Today I took out the trash, in the little bin just near the sink... OMT. there were maggots.
not the first time but the most extensive infestations ever. I think it was always this extensive just that nobody bothered to flip over some things to discover them.
Saturdays I don't look at the clock, but I think I spent a good few hours getting rid of the maggots and where they have infested. I didn't have time to pack my OWN room after that... since the day was already well spent.
but i generally did some cleaning or i will die like the zebra fishies do.

Now my brain being nocturnal, I'm chilling in my rocking chair savouring my already cooled soup, and then embarking on another noctural adventure in the ocean of notes and redundant informations to memorise. not that the info is redundant. but its lame to memorise them.
I know my soup and cleaned room floor would be there to lift my spirits.

i wonder which fish am i most like - solitary, nocturnal, organisational, fastidious
maybe i should check out the facebook quizzes. or kim, go make one!
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