heat up heater
i am a very aloof person but i hate to be cold.
i wear jackets in temperatures most singaporeans find 'normal' & rush into full blast of UV radiation when singaporeans head for the shelters.

& my heater refused to work for the past few days already, close to a week.
i have been bathing at night, when i return, and freezing cold i didn't even have time to condition my hair. BrRrRrR.

today was so scorching hot up till 6pm.
no more rainy rainy days :) wee~
so i finally got time to use my face exfoliant, then slowly shampoo, condition my hair, lather soap and maybe later i shall put on face mask.

simple happyness!
it's when u temporarily lose something u already have & learn how to appreciate it more (:

yes. temporarily. it better start working soon.
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